


How I Deal With Fear .. By Annie

By on November 7, 2017
Fear always an unwelcome emotion, an uninvited guest. It demoralises, leaving the victim emotionally crippled, paralysed and tired. 
Love Relationship

Could love really heal? The Story of Two brothers – By Annie

By on October 30, 2017

Sammie and John are two brothers. Pat, their mum is a manager with a top city firm. Mike, Pat’s husband, has been off work for a while, due to…

Moments Purpose

Work – Energy or Life Force

By on October 19, 2017

Sitting down by myself after a long busy day, I try to remain in touch with my personal thoughts and feelings, just to make some sense of how the…

Health Love Relationship Uncategorized

Laying Me Down To Sleep … ????

By on October 5, 2017
Who tries successfully to get a baby to sleep quickly when s/he does not want to?Or succeeds in getting  a baby up from sleep quickly if the baby still needs more sleep? Not so easy I guess.
Health Lifestyle Moments

A Peep .. ???? .. into Annie’s Morning

By on October 2, 2017
A typical morning begins with a word of thanks to the Giver of life, and the Protector of the universe.. an expression of gratitude to G-d for all His blessings.